Saturday, August 30, 2008


All habits begin as small, consistent decisions that may seem insignificant at first. But before long, they gain the power to change and even define us, as Christians. And if you're the mother of young children, you're also helping to shape the habits of your kids. So it's always good to take an honest look at the habits that make up the fabric of your *Homebased* Christian Day.

Are you and your family members eating and exercising sensibly? Have you established healthy patterns that will improve the chances that you and your loved ones will live long, healthy Christian lives?

Once you establish healthy habits, and when you reinforce them every day, you'll be surprised at how quickly your physical, mental, and spiritual health will begin to improve. So why not start forming those healthier habits today?

Since behaviors become habits,
Make them work with you and not against you. . .

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