Friday, October 31, 2008


My Children whom I Pray for Daily
I have no greater Joy than to hear that my
Children are Walking in the Truth
Be Faithful until death,
and I will Give You the Crown of Life .
Life at Death! This ironic Godly twist is
what Jesus Promises if you are Faithful
in your Christian walk. Are you growing in
Faith and Steadfastly moving toward your
Crown of Life?
Jesus, keep my Children Faithful
so that at their Death they may receive
the Crown of Life.
~ Amen ~

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


1 Corinthians 13:8 (NIV)
We are not wrong to think we desperately need to be Loved. We do. But we are wrong to think we can make anyone Love us the way we need to be Loved. Our need for Love does not constitute anyone Else's call but God's.
Perhaps you have heard the devastating words, "I just do not Love You Any More". Others may not have heard the words but have felt the Feeling. Throughout Life we will lose people ~ people who really Loved us ~ to Death or Changing Circumstances. As Dear and Rich as their Love was, it was not Unfailing. It Moved. It Died. It Changed. It left Wonderful Memories, but it also left a Hole. Only God's Love Never Fails.
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God,
and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you . . .
2 Corinthians 13:13
I used to Struggle with God's Love for me because I knew my own sins and weaknesses ~ all the reasons He should not Love me. Surely everyone else was not the mess deep inside that I was! (Of course, some people can be so full of Self~Righteousness, they seem convinced God Loves them best of all.)
But why do we have such difficulty Believing God could Love with the same unfailing Love those we perceive as good and those we perceive as bad? It's because we relentlessly insist on trying to Humanize God. We tend to Love people according to how they act, and we keep trying to create God in our Image.



Lord, help me to be Patient and Kind toward others. Help me not to Boast when I'm right or be proud when others are wrong. Help me not to be Rude. I don't want my Love to be Self~Seeking, or easily Angered. And, Lord, convict me if I start keeping a record of wrongs, for I desire that my Love will always Rejoice with the Truth. Help me to have Faith, Hope, and Love ever increasing, ever growing . . .
Love is Patient, Love is Kind. It does not Envy, it does not Boast, it is not Proud.
It is not Rude, it is not Self~Seeking, it is not easily Angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth. It always Protects, always Trusts, always Hopes, always Perseveres.
~ Love Never Fails ~
Love must be Sincere. Hate what is Evil; Cling to what is good. Be Devoted to one another in Brotherly Love, Honor one another above Yourselves.
He who covers over an offense Promotes Love.
You yourselves have been Taught by God to Love each other.
*Lord Jesus*, Grant me the Trusting Heart of a child that I might come into your Presence and simply accept the Gift of Love already given. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, O Lord, that I might become like a Shining Light of Truth in this dark World. I am weak, Lord, and often Fail.
But, oh, what Glory it is to be able to *Talk With You*, to *Know You Are Near*, that you Care.
I Love You, Lord, with *All My Heart* . . . AMEN
Those who *Know Your Name* will *Trust In You*, for you, LORD, have never Forsaken those who Seek You . . .
Surely God is my Salvation; I Will Trust and not be Afraid.
The LORD, the LORD is my Strength and my Song; he has become my Salvation . . .
Prayer to a Heart of Lowly Love Opens the Gate of Heaven Above. Ah, Prayer is God's high dwelling place, wherein His Children see His Face. From Earth to Heaven we build a Stair:
The Name by which we call it ~ Prayer. Love's Rain, the Spirit's Holy Ray, And Tears of Joy, are theirs who Pray.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


When our World begins to get too serious, we need momentary interruptions of just plain fun. A surprising day off, a long Walk in the Woods, a Movie, an enjoyable Evening relaxing with a Friend over a bowl of popcorn, a game of Racquetball or Golf ~ these diversions can make all the Difference in our Ability to Cope with Life's Crushing Demands.

We need to give ourselves permission to enjoy various moments in Life, even though all of Life is not in Perfect Order.

This takes Practice, but it's Worth the Effort.

Our Mouth was filled with Laughter

and our Tongue with Joyful Shouting


Jesus was the first to Teach us that each one of us has a Cross to Bear. We may not necessarily look as if we are bearing one, but we are.

Each of us has some area of Pain and suffering in Life.

The World around us would have us run from that burden ~ to resent it, hate it.

Instead, we should ~ and I know this is tough to Hear and Believe ~ Embrace it!

He who does not take

his Cross and Follow After Me is

not Worthy of Me

Sunday, October 12, 2008


But be ye Doers of the Word, and not
Hearers only, deceiving your own Selves . . .

My Prayer for Today

Lord, I ask You to help me become a Doer of the Word and not a Hearer only.

Forgive me for the times I've Heard the Word of God preached in Power and even said *AMEN* to the Message, yet failed to walk out the Truth I Heard or to make it a part of my Life.

Starting Today, I make the Decision to be a Doer of the Word of God. Holy Spirit, give me the Strength and Divine Energy I need to take the Word I hear or read and put it into Practice in my Life.

I Pray this in Jesus' Name!

My Confession for Today

I Declare that I am a Doer of the Word of God. I am among those who hear the Word and immediately apply it to their lives.

I Experience the Power of God's Spirit in my Life because of my Obedience to Walk in what God has Revealed to Me.

I Declare this by *FAITH* in Jesus' Name!

Friday, October 10, 2008


God will take care of us
in good and bad times.
We shouldn't become
Over Confident in
times of plenty, but we also
need to Patiently Endure
Times of Adversity.
God will NEVER leave us.
He will be Near us
in our troubles.
Unbelievers don't have
this Confidence in God
because they put their trust
in Earthly Things.
The Battle of the
Christian Life has always been
not just to BELIEVE,
But to keep on BELIEVING.
This is how we will
grow Strong in FAITH
and see the actual Fulfillment
of God's Promises in our Lives



Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive

with meekness the Engrafted Word, which is able to Save Your Souls . . .

Lord, help me step out of the Sins and bad attitudes that have held me captive for so long. Help me know the right steps to take to remove these destructive and unworthy things from my Life.

You want me to be *FREE*, and I desire to be *FREE*.

With your Help, I know I can be permanently set *FREE* from these negative things, stepping out of them and pushing them so far away that I will never pick them up again!

I Pray this in Jesus' Name!


The Word of God reveals those areas in my Life that are unclean and that need to Change.

Rather than act like a victim who cannot do anything about Myself or My Circumstance, today I Start the Process of Acknowledging my Sin and Removing these Attitudes, Actions, and Sins
that are Unworthy of who I AM ~ today in CHRIST.

I can be *FREE*, and I will be *FREE*. I will be all that GOD Intended for me to be!

I Declare this by *FAITH* in Jesus Name!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Praying always with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all Perseverance and Supplication for all Saints.


~ My Prayer For Today ~

Lord, I ask You to help me Remain Consistent in Prayer. I admit that other things have distracted me from being in Your Presence, but I ask You to Forgive me for this and to give me the Strength to "Say No" to those things that keep pulling me away from Time in Prayer.

Thank You for helping me to make this a High Priority in my Life.

I know that with Your help, I can continue to Discipline myself to Pray.

Thank You for helping me get Started on the right path today!

I Pray this in Jesus' Name!

~ My Confession For Today ~

With God's help, I have the Power to say no to the distractions that keep trying to steal my Time with God. Prayer is a Top Priority in my Life; therefore, I am Consistent and Habitual in my Prayer Time. Nothing is a Higher Priority than the Time I spend every day with God.

From this Moment onward, I will be as Faithful as can be when it comes to this Issue of Prayer.

I Declare this by Faith in Jesus' Name!



O Holy Spirit, Grant me the FAITH that will protect me from DESPAIR: Deliver me from the Lust of the Flesh. Pour into my Heart such LOVE for Thee and for all Men that Hatred and Bitterness may be blotted out.

Grant Me the HOPE that will Deliver me from FEAR and TIMIDITY.

O Holy and Merciful God, Creator and Redeemer, Judge and Savior, Thou knowest me and all that I do. Thou hatest and dost punish evil without Respect of Persons in this World and the next.

Thou Forgivest the Sins of them that Heartily Pray for Forgiveness.

Thou lovest Goodness and Rewardest it on this Earth with a clear conscience, and in the World to come with a Crown of Righteousness.