When our World begins to get too serious, we need momentary interruptions of just plain fun. A surprising day off, a long Walk in the Woods, a Movie, an enjoyable Evening relaxing with a Friend over a bowl of popcorn, a game of Racquetball or Golf ~ these diversions can make all the Difference in our Ability to Cope with Life's Crushing Demands.
We need to give ourselves permission to enjoy various moments in Life, even though all of Life is not in Perfect Order.
This takes Practice, but it's Worth the Effort.
We need to give ourselves permission to enjoy various moments in Life, even though all of Life is not in Perfect Order.
This takes Practice, but it's Worth the Effort.
Our Mouth was filled with Laughter
and our Tongue with Joyful Shouting
Jesus was the first to Teach us that each one of us has a Cross to Bear. We may not necessarily look as if we are bearing one, but we are.
Each of us has some area of Pain and suffering in Life.
The World around us would have us run from that burden ~ to resent it, hate it.
Instead, we should ~ and I know this is tough to Hear and Believe ~ Embrace it!
He who does not take
his Cross and Follow After Me is
not Worthy of Me
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