Monday, September 29, 2008


Father, we bring all our failures to you in Jesus' Name. We have tried so hard and so often to change. But our problems are too big for us to handle.

Today, we give up and throw ourselves totally on Your Love and Mercy. Cleanse us and Change us from the inside out.

Teach us how to Imitate You ~ to have Your Heart of Kindness and Mercy.

Teach us to Walk In The Spirit every day so we can know Your Power And Victory.

We rest in Your Mercy And Faithfulness. . . Amen


Our Father, I know well Thou canst never forsake those who seek Thee, nor disappoint those who Trust Thee. Yet I know too, the more I pray for Thy Protection, the more surely and full I shall have it.

And therefore now I cry out to Thee, first that Thou wouldest keep me from myself, and from following any will but Thine.

Next, I beg of Thee, O my Loving Lord ~ if it be not wrong so to pray ~ visit me not with those Trying Visitations which Saints alone can bear! Pity my weakness, and lead me Heavenwards in a Safe and Tranquil Course.

Still I leave all in Thy hands ~ Only, If Thou shalt bring Heavier Trials on me, give me more Grace, flood me with the Fullness of Thy Strength and Consolation. . . Amen.


God of all Compassion, whose will is that none should perish in their Sins but that all should come to Repentance; Have Mercy upon the millions who have never heard of the Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, or who, having heard, have failed to respond to the Gospel.

Turn the tide of evil in our Land and in Lands across the World, that unbelief and ignorance of Your Word and Will may be Transformed, and that men and women, Loving You above all else, may learn to Love Each Other.

Purge from Your World the Hatred and Inhumanity, the Contempt and the Violence. . .

Monday, September 22, 2008



Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when Tests and Challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your Faith ~ Life is forced into the Open and Shows its true colors.

So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its Work so you become mature and well ~ developed, not deficient in any way. . . Jesus said, "I've told you all this so that Trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at Peace.

In this Godless World you will continue to experience difficulties. But take Heart! I've Conquered the World. . . You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the World. . .

Despite all these things, Overwhelming Victory is ours through Christ, who Loved us. . .

I can do everything with the Help of Christ who gives me the Strength I Need. . .


To me a challenge is a 10K run, not a car that runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere. It's
learning a new Language or preparing a new dish or playing an edgy game of softball, not sitting
in the Emergency Room with a sick child or trying to make my *HomeBased* Salary extend to
meet my bills. Sometimes challenges look a lot like problems. Just the same, I want to begin to
think of them all ~ planned or unplanned, pleasant or unpleasant ~ as Opportunities to respond
in ways that are Pleasing to You. I ask you, Lord, to help me see the Lesson in Every Challenge of my *HomeBased* Online Internet Business, the Silver Lining in every Trial, the Wonder of Your Loving Presence in every Situation. Show me how to see my Challenges as a way to become a Better Person. . .


For I know that this shall turn to my salvation
through your Prayer, and the supply of the
Spirit of Jesus Christ. . .
~ My Prayer for Today ~
Lord, I realize I don't have enough strength by myself to do what You have asked me to do. Today I'm asking You to donate a new supply of Your Spirit into my Life.
Right now, I open my Heart and ask You to fill every nook and cranny of my Life with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so I can get back on my feet again and fulfill what You have told me to do.
I Pray this in Jesus' Name. . . Amen

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Kindle in me Thy Light, That it May Shine Within Me!

Make our Hearts so right with Thy Most Holy and Loving Heart,
that Hoping in Thee we may do good; until that day when FAITH
and HOPE shall be abolished by sight and possession, and LOVE
shall be all in all. . . AMEN


Ah, Lord, unto whom all hearts are open, Thou canst govern the
vessel of my Soul far better than I can. Arise, O Lord, and command
the Stormy Wind and The Troubled Sea of My Heart to be Still, and at
Peace in Thee, that I may look up to Thee undisturbed, and abide in
union with Thee, my Lord.

Let me not be carried hither and thither by Wandering Thoughts, but,
forgetting all else, Let Me See and Hear Thee. Renew my Spirit; Kindle
in me Thy Light, that it may Shine Within Me, and My Heart may Burn
in Love and Adoration Toward Thee.

Let Thy Holy Spirit Dwell in me Continually, and Make Me Thy Temple
and Sanctuary, and fill me with Divine Love and Light and Life, with
Devout and Heavenly Thoughts, With Comfort and Strength with Joy and Peace. . .

~ AMEN ~

Friday, September 12, 2008

<:-><:-><:-> CELEBRATION <:-><:-><:->

One generation will commend your works to another, they will tell of your Mighty Acts. They will CELEBRATE your Abundant Goodness and joyfully sing of your Righteousness. . .

The Father of the Prodigal Son said, "Let's have a feast and CELEBRATE. For this Son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." So they began to CELEBRATE. . .

We Praise you, LORD, for all your Glorious Power. With music and singing we CELEBRATE your Mighty acts. . .

The LORD, your GOD, is in your midst, a Warrior who gives victory; he will Rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exalt over you with loud singing. . .


Imitating God, like listening to him, is another Quality that aligns us with his Purposes and makes room for even more of his Blessings. . .

Blessings can either Humble us and draw us closer to God, or allow us to become full of Pride and Self-Sufficiency. . .

When any needy heart begins to Truly Pray, Heaven itself stirs in Response. . .

The secret is to have a Heart that waits on the Lord, to keep waiting in Faith and glad expectation for the things he has Promised. . .

If anyone is in Christ, he is a New Creation; the old has gone, the new has come! . . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


God is on a Search
He is not looking for such
things as knowledge or precious
stones ~ after all, he knows
everything and owns the World
and everything in it.

Although we rarely think about
this or hear it preached,
The Creator of all things is
looking throughout the whole
Earth for a certain kind of heart.

He is searching for a human
heart that will allow him
to show how marvelously
he can Strengthen, Help, and
BLESS someones life. . .


The LORD does not look at the
things man looks at. Man looks at
the outward appearance, but the
LORD looks at the Heart.


When any needy heart begins to truly Pray,
Heaven itself stirs in response.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under
GOD'S mighty hand, that he may lift
you up in due time. . .

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


O God, Thou art Life, Wisdom, Truth, Bounty, and Blessedness, the Eternal, the only true Good. My God and my Lord, Thou art my HOPE and my heart's joy.

Lord, make me to know Thee aright, that I may more and more love, enjoy, and possess Thee. And since, in the life here below, I cannot fully attain this blessedness, let it at least grow in me day by day, until it all be fulfilled at last in the life to come.

Here be the KNOWLEDGE of Thee increased, and there let it be perfected. Here let my love to Thee grow, and there let it ripen; that my joy being here great in HOPE, may there in fruition be made perfect.


If only
If only I hadn't
If only I could still
If only he was here
If only I had more

Collecting these "if onlys" has become compulsive, and I can't seem to stop: there are so many of them. They weigh me down, and I'm too tired to carry them any longer.

Can I give all these "if onlys" to You, Lord? Whenever I manage to give You my worthless things, You always give me something far better in exchange. . .

So in the place of all these "if onlys" I will receive from You in the
New Life ~ You said You would give me.

The way I feel right now, I find it hard to BELIEVE a New Life is
possible, but I receive it from You by FAITH ~ and ~ I THANK YOU.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


~ Care for the Common Life ~

~ God ~ our Savior has filled us with Skill ~

You were born prepacked. God ~ our Savior, looked at your entire life, determined your assignment, and gave you the tools to do the *Online Internet Marketing Business*.

Before traveling, you do something similar. You consider the demands of the journey and pack accordingly. Cold weather? Bring a jacket. Business meeting? Carry the laptop. Time with grandchildren? Better take some sneakers and pain medication.

God ~ our Savior, did the same with you. You will build a *Online Internet Marketing Business*. . . you will have a abundant List of Customers. Joe will research animals. . . install curiosity. Meagan will lead a private school. . . an extra dose of management. I need Eric to comfort the sick. . . include a healthy share of compassion. Denalyn will marry Max. . . instill a double portion of patience.

"Each of us is an original". God packed you on *purpose* for a *purpose*. . .

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Whenever you are having anxious moments in your Life, turn your thoughts to the Angels and ask for a blessing of protection. Let the Angels assist you. They are always there to offer a shoulder or to help you carry your burden.

I don't believe that tragedies and difficulties happen because Angels desert us. Angels are always with us. For reasons... which we may not always be able to fully comprehend, we must at times in our lives go through pain... Whenever we are confronted with problems, Angels are ready to help us cope.

Pain provides us with opportunities for tremendous Spiritual growth. Angels are not empowered to make decisions for us about our life's plan. They can only intervene when necessary to help keep that plan on track. They also can provide a source of Spiritual nourishment when we most need it.

I am Blessed ~ My Angels are with me 24/7/365 :-)