Have you ever been so confused about something that it literally made you sick? Has confusion clouded your judgment? Many woman mask their pain of confusion to the world. They put on makeup and a stoic face. They don a smart~looking out~fit and a matching demeanor. They sip their coffee and zip their lips, never daring to let on that they are creatures of confusion.
Go ahead and admit today that there is something in your life that confuses you. It will set you free from that world of secrets and invite God's clarity and purpose.
One bit of advice: Until God Speaks, wait to take Action. . .
What's your greatest area of confusion? Is it whether to be an Entrepreneur, how to deal with coworker cliques, when to downsize for retirement, or how to stop the grumbling in your ministry? Does your confusion have to do with your medical debt, waning spirituality, management styyle, life balance, or time~consuming hobby? Do you wonder where you are supposed to plant seeds of faith, how to De~Clutter your home and garage, or what to do about someone who is slandering you?
Are you confused about who to trust, what to do next, or why you were blamed for something?
"I believe that if we could get people to uncross their twisted~pretzel arms, unlock their tightly guarded emotions, and laugh at themselves. "It's then that the Holy Spirit can break down the walls that divide us from each other and from God". "Confusion is a direct result of the Fall." Up until then, life was, oh, so simple~so sparkling clear. Now we're all just trying to machete our way through the Thicket that is this post~Eden, pre~Heaven, Earth~life.
"I am learning that, although God is not the author of confusion, he often uses the confusion in my life, so that I will listen more closely for his voice, examine more intently my past missteps, and appreciate more completely his peace that is only truly apparent in the middle of my muddle. I do strive, believe it or not, to stay in his presence, the only place where confusion is not a given on this confusing planet. Of course, since Earth is not our real home, the confusion makes us aliens and foreigners, who look all the more forward to arriving Home."
If any of you lacks wisdom, he whould ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.